Complete List of Federal Supply Group (FSG) and Codes (FSCs) Starting with number 2
FSG 20 Ship and Marine Equipment
- FSC 2010 Ship and Boat Propulsion Components
- FSC 2020 Rigging and Rigging Gear
- FSC 2030 Deck Machinery
- FSC 2040 Marine Hardware and Hull Items
- FSC 2050 Buoys
- FSC 2090 Miscellaneous ship and Marine equipment
FSG 23 Ground Vehicles Motor Vehicles Trailers Cycles
FSG 25 Vehicular Equipment Components
- FSC 2510 Vehicular Cab Body and Frame Structural Components
- FSC 2520 Vehicle Power Transmission Components
- FSC 2530 Vehicular Brake Steering Axle Wheel and Track Components
- FSC 2540 Vehicle Furniture and Accessories
- FSC 2541 Weapons Systems Specific Vehicular Accessories
- FSC 2590 Miscellaneous Vehicular Components
FSG 26 Tires and Tubes
- FSC 2610 Tires and Tubes Pneumatic Except Aircraft
- FSC 2620 Tires and Tubes Pneumatic Aircraft
- FSC 2630 Tires Solid and Cushion
- FSC 2640 Tire Rebuilding and Tire and Tube Repair Materials
FSG 28 Engines Turbines and Components
- FSC 2805 Gasoline Reciprocating Engines Except Aircraft and Components
- FSC 2810 Gasoline Reciprocating Engines Aircraft Prime Mover and Components
- FSC 2815 Diesel Engines and Components
- FSC 2820 Steam Engines Reciprocating and Components
- FSC 2825 Steam Turbines and Components
- FSC 2830 Water Turbines and Water Wheels and Components
- FSC 2835 Gas Turbines and Jet Engines Non-Aircraft Prime Mover Aircraft Non-Prime Mover and Components
- FSC 2840 Gas Turbines and Jet Engines Aircraft Prime Moving and Components
- FSC 2845 Rocket Engines And Components
- FSC 2850 Gasoline Rotary Engines and Components
- FSC 2895 Miscellaneous Engines and Components
FSG 29 Engine Accessories
- FSC 2910 Engine Fuel System Components Nonaircraft
- FSC 2915 Engine Fuel System Components Aircraft and Missile Prime Movers
- FSC 2920 Engine Electrical System Components Nonaircraft
- FSC 2925 Engine Electrical System Components Aircraft Prime Moving
- FSC 2930 Engine Cooling System Components Nonaircraft
- FSC 2935 Engine System Cooling Components Aircraft Prime Moving
- FSC 2940 Engine Air and Oil Filters Strainers and Cleaners Nonaircraft
- FSC 2945 Engine Air and Oil Filters Cleaners Aircraft Prime Moving
- FSC 2950 Turbosupercharger and Components
- FSC 2990 Miscellaneous Engine Accessories Nonaircraft
- FSC 2995 Miscellaneous Engine Accessories Aircraft
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Top NSN Components
- Packing 1 125
- Gauge Pyrometer
- Insert Table
- Adaptor Vent Negative
- Elbow Assy Spark Plug
- Fastener Tape Pile
- Hose Assy
- Capacitor Fixed Ceramic Dielect
- Relay Thermal
- Main Gear Retention Truss
Highly Searched NSN Manufacturers
- Lektro Inc
- Leach International Corporation
- Trivec Avant Corporation
- Hynautic Inc
- Dowkey Microwave Corp
- Fatigue Technology Inc
- Winchester Electronics Corporation
- Greaves Farymann Diesel Gmbh
- M S Aerospace Inc
- The Lee Company